Competition Rules
The Moth Poetry Prize 2024
  • Closing date for receipt of entries is 31 December 2024.
  • The name of the author must not appear on the same page as the poem.
  • It’s not a requirement, but we strongly advise you to familiarise yourself with The Moth.
  • You can write on any subject and there is no line limit. 
  • Entries must be in English, typed, with each entry on a new sheet.
  • Entries will not be returned, so make sure you keep a copy.
  • No corrections can be made after receipt, or fees refunded.
  • ·   English translations of work originally written in another language acceptable,
    as long as the author and translator agree to share the prize money
    Simultaneous submissions are accepted as long as you notify us
    if your poem is accepted elsewhere 

  • The Prize is open to anyone (over 16).
  • Entries must be entirely the work of the entrant and must never have been published, self-published, published online or broadcast
  • Poem must be in English
  • We will accept simultaneous submissions, but please do inform us if the work is accepted elsewhere.
  • English translations of work originally written in another language are acceptable, as long as translator has permission, and author and translator agree to share prize money.
  • You can enter as as many poems as you like (at a cost of €15 per poem).
  • Entry fee is €15 per poem (which includes 23% VAT)
  • Online payment should be made to via PayPal.
  • Cheques should be made payable to ‘The Moth Magazine Ltd.’, with the sender's name and address on the back.
  • We can only accept postal orders from Ireland. 
  • Postal entries can also be paid in cash (either in US dollars, Sterling or Euros at the current exchange rate).
Receipt of entry
  • Online entries are confirmed by the email receipt of your payment to PayPal.
  • Enclose a stamped addressed postcard marked 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT' if you require acknowledgement of receipt of your postal entry (include international reply coupon if entering from overseas), or an email address.
  • Worldwide copyright of each entry remains with the author, but The Moth will have the unrestricted right to publish the four shortlisted poems in the Irish Times online and any relevant promotional material.
  • This year's judge is Fiona Benson. The judge’s decision is final and no individual correspondence can be entered into.
  • 1st €6,000
  • 3 runner-up prizes of €1,000
  • 8 prizes of €250 for commended poems
  • The shortlisted and commended writers will be notified by the end of February 2024.
  • The shortlisted poems will be published in the Irish Times online (date to be confirmed).
  • The winner will be announced at a special award ceremony online in the spring of 2024.
  • Entry implies acceptance of all the rules. Failure to comply with the entry requirements will result in disqualification.
  • Print ENTRY FORM, fill in and then post with fee and entry to:
The Moth
Ardan Grange
Co. Cavan

Good luck!



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